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Average Household Income: Non-Hispanic/Latino

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Average Household Income: Non-Hispanic/Latino

Measurement Period: 2024
Data Source: Claritas
July 22,

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$65,763 - $80,498
$80,498 - $94,225
$94,225 - $102,640
$102,640 - $118,088
Countysort column Dollarssort column
Kings $107,119
Zip Codesort column Dollarssort column
93202 $118,088
93204 $90,376
93212 $65,763
93230 $102,640
93239 $79,319
93245 $98,862
93246 $80,498
93266 $94,225
Statesort column Dollarssort column
California $157,094
Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.