Common strategy, alignment, accountability, and action is hard work. Working together is essential in order to achieve maximum results. We cannot do it alone! KPFP recognizes the STRENGTHS that each organization and individual brings to the table, and we work to ensure that our workgroups and taskforces are constantly moving forward: one step at a time!
The Substance Use Response Group (SURG) is committed to reducing the powerful effects of substance use disorders on individuals and their families in Kings County through a focus on early educational events, partnership opportunities, and policy advancement.
To empower community members with knowledge and skills to advocate about healthy living, thereby helping to create an environment where the healthier choice is the easy choice. Kings Partnership for Prevention’s Healthy Eating/Active Living work group will be pursuing the following prevention strategy: In collaboration with community partners, KPFP will support community engagement efforts in Kings County by providing guidance, encouragement, education, and technical assistance to promote Healthy Living.
The Mental Health Taskforce strives to increase mental wellness by decreasing suffering and creating a climate of hope. The workgroup focuses on the following priority areas: Reducing Stigma & Promoting Prevention, Decreasing Suicides & Suicidal Behavior Loss Team Survivors, and Increasing Engagement & Early Intervention.
The goal of KCWA is to build a comprehensive, participatory, and collective effort to eliminate violence against men, women, and children in Kings County including establishing synergistic partnerships to foster a safe living environment for all residents, create a platform of open communication and flow of information with relevant organizations, and combine domestic violence and sexual violence under one collaborative task force.
To create a safe place to discuss and empower community members with financial knowledge and skills that can serve towards their needs. Kings Partnership for Prevention’s Financial Stability Taskforce is working to connect with businesses, organizations, schools and students to contribute towards our goal.