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Vaccination Programs: Client Reminder and Recall Systems


An Evidence-Based Practice


Client reminder and recall interventions are used to remind members of a target population that vaccinations are due (reminders) or late (recall). Reminders and recalls differ in content and are delivered by various methods (e.g., telephone, letter, postcard, text message). Most reminder and recall notices are tailored for individual clients, and many include educational messages about the importance of vaccination.


The Community Preventive Services Task Force (CPSTF) recommends client reminder and recall interventions to increase vaccination rates in children, adolescents, and adults.

Results / Accomplishments

Twenty-nine studies were included in the systematic review.

Overall vaccination rates increased by a median of 11 percentage points.
-Client reminder and recall interventions used alone: median increase of 6 percentage points (14 studies).
-Interventions implemented with additional components: median increase of 12 percentage points (15 studies).

About this Promising Practice

Primary Contact
The Community Guide
1600 Clifton Rd, NE
MS H21-8
Atlanta, GA 30329
(404) 498-1827
Health / Immunizations & Infectious Diseases
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